日期:2010-05-28 來源:MJJCN.com 作者:Keen
文/ Keen
MJJCN對卡倫·菲(Karen Faye)的採訪策劃了差不多一年。
早在當得知她重新回到Michael Jackson的THIS IS IT演唱會團隊時,我就曾寫信過去表達了祝賀。2005年,卡倫當時是帶著鬱悶和不解離開MJ的,我是很高興看到他們能又開始合作。
倘若Karen Faye說的都是真相,那麼你就可以看到要讓一條真相走出來,是多麼艱難,並要遭受多少的質疑和打擊,直到真相本身和傳播真相的人失去了聲音。
到最後,問題只剩下了你對說話人本身是否信任。而現在也已沒了旁證,沒了佐證,並再也沒了活著的Michael Jackson。
Karen Faye很簡單。她的身份是:從上世紀80年代就追隨Michael的忠實化妝師,2005年審判結束後離開MJ,2009年倫敦演唱會前回歸。她給MJ化了最後一次妝。她說Michael是她的良師益友。她和你我一樣,都深深愛著這個男人。
Me too. Michael and I were once in Hong Kong.
YES. We were in Japan doing the Bad tour, during the month break, before going to Australia, Michael brought his security, a photographer, his chef and me and we visited HK.
Yes, we visited several beautiful small villages, and several families invited us into their homes.
Remember the photo Michael was in a bamboo hat? We found a beautiful rice field, and we decided to take some photos, when a water buffalo started sneaking up on us. He started getting closer and closer, then Michael let out a loud scream and ran from the buffalo.
We intended to visit Beijing after that. But due to the bad weather, we canceled the flight, because Michael didn't like to fly in bad weather.
Michael wanted to go to China, always. The plan was for Michael to perform in other big cities of the world. I am sure China would be on the top of his list.
KAREN:是的,我關了自己的Facebook。麥可死後,許多人迷茫煩惱。很多人因為我公布了麥可安息地的照片而攻擊我。很多人為《This Is It》紀錄片的發行而歡慶,我很難過。在首映式當天,我去了森林草坪墓園,為麥可帶去全球歌迷的信息,並和幾個歌迷大聲朗讀了。我為歌迷們拍了照片,給他們看帶給麥可的信息。我把照片貼在Facebook上供所有人免費瀏覽。遺憾的是,TMZ把它們盜連過去,當成自己的東西。後來我發現我什麼都不能做,因為照片被放在公共領域。TMZ知道照片價值連城,不想繼續爭論下去,除非我提起訴訟。我可沒有這個錢。我只想把麥可的歌迷帶到離他更近的地方。
Yes I did. I think there are many people who are lost and confused after Michael’s death. Many attacked me for sharing the photos of Michael’s resting place. I was very hurt to see people celebrating the release of THIS IS IT documentary. On the day of the premiere, I went to Forest Lawn and took messages from fans from around the world, and read them aloud with several fans. I took photos for the fans to show them the messages I had brought to him. I posted them on Face Book for everyone for free. Unfortunately, TMZ stole them from my pages and ran them as their own. I found out later that there was nothing I could do about it, because photos become public domain. TMZ knew how valuable they were, and refused to continue any dispute without me filing a lawsuit with them. I just do not have the money for that. I just wanted to bring Michael’s fans closer to him.
I know that now. If I were to successfully sue them and win money, that would be bad too. I would be making money from the photos, which is not what I ever intended. They were a gift. I gave them freely to the fans and those who weren’t able to come to his funeral.
In the beginning, he WAS amazing. It wasn’t until the week before he died, that his condition became extremely alarming.
KEEN:你有沒有看《This Is It》?麥可看起來精力充沛。
KAREN:是的,我看了,Keen。看過之後我非常不安。《This Is It》被編輯過了,讓麥可看起來強壯健康。你注意到他一首歌裡穿了多少套服裝?有時候三天彩排的錄像才夠編輯出一首完整的歌。
Yes I did Keen. I saw THIS IS IT and I was very disturbed. It was editied to make it look Michael was strong and healthy. Did you notice, how many outfits he is wearing during one song? Sometimes it took editing 3 different rehearsal days to get one entire song on film.
I was worried that he might not be able to do a full show in his condition.
I think there are several reasons. He told me, he wanted his children to see, first hand, what their father did for a living. He wanted them to share that part of his life, he hadn’t been able to share. They were now old enough to understand and appreciate this part of him. He also said he wanted to do it for his fans. He wanted to see their smiles, their excitement, once again. He wanted to get the message out to HEAL THE WORLD. It was very important for him. He felt we only had 4 years to correct things gone wrong in the world, before it would be to late. And thirdly, he hadn’t actively worked in many years. He had to do it for financial reasons also.
I cannot tell you WHY somebody else does something, or does not do something. Michael confided in me, that he did not fully understand everything in legal contracts, and often never read them all the way through. He relied on lawyers to explain them to him.
I do not think all lawyers and handlers worked for Michael’s best interest. Many worked for their own best interest.
Michael had a dependency on prescription drugs that doctors would give him. He would use them to sleep and escape from the pain in his life. I would never call Michael a drug addict. The world presented many painful situations for Michael.
KEEN:那珍娜·傑克森(Janet Jackson)說的是真的嗎?他用藥而且對他們的干預有抵觸。
The family tried many times over the years to help Michael, when they saw him going through difficult times. They staged many interventions, and yes Michael was in denial.
KEEN:在麥可去世後,阿諾·克萊(Arnold Klein)醫生說了許多瘋話。
Like what?
Michael is not gay.
I do not know why people do the things they do. I would not call spreading a lie about Michael’s sexuality, being a friend, would you Keen?
I can only assume, Michael was going to Klein, because he was giving Michael what he wanted.
KAREN:是的,還是有許多人非常愛麥可的。伊麗莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)是一個,還有麥考利·克金(McCauley Culkin)、卡西歐家族(the Cascio family)、他的家人,我……看看那些在他追思會上出現的面孔。有很多的愛。
Yes, there were many people who loved Michael dearly. Elizabeth Taylor for one, McCauley Culkin, the Cascio family, his family, me…. Look into the faces of all those @ his memorial. There was so much love.
KEEN:約翰·布蘭卡(John Branca)這人怎麼樣?
I do not understand his return. Michael did not like John Branca. I was told, that he was brought to Michael by AEG.
KEEN:那麼法蘭克·迪里歐(Frank Dileo)呢?他們一下子都回來了。
Yes, I was told Frank was brought in to handle some “legal” issues. The production was being sued, and Frank was dealing with them.
KEEN:你個人認識約翰·布蘭卡(John Branca)嗎?他是什麼樣的人?有人說MJ遺產管理公司是陰謀的一部分嗎,你怎麼看?
Keen, I have so many questions, with no real answers yet.
KEEN:那麼另外一個遺產公司的執行人約翰·麥克連(John McClain)呢?
I do not know John McClain personally, but Michael did not speak about him in a positive way at the time of his of his trial.
KAREN:我不了解遺囑細節,但,是的,遺囑確實規定他的母親和孩子們是繼承人。不過有幾點我覺得講不通。遺囑顯示它是在洛杉磯簽署的,可事實上,當時我和麥可在紐約,支持他抵制索尼和湯米·摩托拉(Tommy Motolla)的活動。而且所有孩子的姓名都是不正確的。
I do not know the specifics of the will. But, yes, the will states that his mother and children are his benefactors. There are several things in the will that don’t make sense to me. The will states that it was signed in Los Angeles, when in fact, I was in New York with Michael, supporting Michael in his revolt against Sony and Tommy Motolla. All of children’s names are incorrect.
These decisions are up to Michael’s family. Only they have the power to take such actions. This would be very complicated, expensive, and a lengthy battle.
KEEN:說到昂貴,珍娜·傑克森(Janet Jackson)也賺了很多錢,也許她能幫忙呢?
This is a battle that would involve very powerful people and people who control the music industry. You must consider everyone’s position.
That is a family decision. There is nothing I, or anyone else can do.
The injustice’s have already be done. We have lost our hero, the worlds greatest and entertainment genius. AND people will do anything for money.
KEEN:你聽說了彼得·羅佩茲(Peter Lopez)自殺的事嗎?
It is scary. It doesn’t make much sense to those around him. He was happy and successful. It is suspicious to me, and should be raising questions.
No. I will not attend. When you are a possible witness, you cannot participate in these things. I did go the first time, because I wanted to stand in support of the Jackson family, and I thought it was unfair that Murray was not presented in handcuffs as Michael had been.
KEEN:你怎麼看待康納德·莫瑞(Conrad Murray)?
Conrad Murray is just the man who gave the last lethal dose to Michael's body. Society and money hungry people have been killing him slowly for many years.
The fewer suspects that are brought into the case, the better chance for a conviction. They focused on Murray and charged him with what they know they could win. It has the potential to be a complicate case. If they deflected the guilt anywhere else, Murray could walk free. The prosecution does not want to lose.
Personally, no. It was music that Michael did not finish, and put away for a reason. I have no desire to purchase anything that is not 100% authentic Michael. Also, I know how much he hated Sony and I participated by his side during his fight. I could never betray Michael by supporting Sony.
No. There were no NEW songs in the show.
Both are correct. Michael was a genius at marketing himself, but he relied on legal help to put things in legal terms. He was at the mercy of a few lawyers that knew how to take advantage of him.
KEEN:你認識托梅托梅(Dr. Thome Thome)嗎?NBC有新聞說他操控了麥可。
I only talked to him 3 times on phone. I don't know him.
KEEN:喬·傑克森(Joe Jackson)和拉托雅(LaToya)一直在媒體上說麥可是被謀殺的,背後有陰謀。你認為他們有證據嗎?是AEG和索尼在背後主導了這一切嗎?
Joe loves his son and LaToya loves her brother. I do not know what they have uncovered.
KEEN:你還記得當年MJ的官方網MJJ Source發生了什麼嗎?
Yes. Randy and Michael set up the website to get the truth out during the trial in 2005. And Michael asked me if would I help. We had many plans. Michael was awarded a public interview by the courts, when Sneddon unlawfully leaked some information to the media. Geraldo Rivera did an interview with Michael, and FOX decide not to air it on their network. So at the last minute MJJS put it on the website. We didn’t need the media. Every outlet picked it up. We also posted the actual court transcripts everyday. The cost was huge. We asked for the membership fees, so we could keep the website going, but that was not enough to cover the cost. After the trial, and Michael left the country, Grace was placed in charge of handling Michael’s finances, and a decision was made not to pay our server. We didn’t have the money to pay and our server pulled the plug. We could not continue, nor did we have the power to continue.
No, its not true. Randy is one person who really is actively seeking answers. It is difficult to get the entire family together on every issue. The Jacksons’ are grieving. We must remember to support them.
KEEN:傑梅恩怎麼回事?他似乎總給麥可的生活帶來錯誤的人,像是伊斯蘭國度(Nation of Islam)、托梅托梅等等。
I think Jermaine’s intentions are honorable, but do not think they always turn out that way. I think a lot is misunderstood about Jermaine and Joseph.
I was waiting for Michael to come into rehearsals at the Staple Center. I learned about it from the TV reports in the cafeteria. And then Kenny Ortega told me the horrible news privately, before he announced it to everyone else.
The mortician @ Forest Lawn, told me he weighed between 108 and 111, when I asked him. It was explained to me later that when they try and revive a person, they force fluids into the body to get the heart and blood circulating, often more than 20 pounds of fluid. This could be a reason for the discrepancy.
KAREN:他沒有和我說過這類東西,他當時正非常努力地想要圓滿履行他對《This Is It》的職責。
He did not say anything to me regarding this. He was trying very hard to fulfill his obligations to This Is It.
I don't want to talk about religion. But I feel Michael was connected to God and universe. He loved to read and understood many religions. I think he's universal, and doesn't belong to any one religion. He always said God worked through him, its God who gave him gifts to do these things; he never credits what he did to himself. He was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness and ...
No, He didn't quit. He was kicked out. In the beginning, Michael was always in the company of JW monitors when he worked, watching his every move. Remember the Smooth Criminal video where he held the guns? When we finished shooting that day, he went home for the evening. The next day he came in to shoot, extremely upset. He explained to me that his mother called him and said the church was upset with him for holding a weapon during the filming. They demanded he stop being an entertainer or he would have to leave the church. Mrs. Jackson said she would support him whatever he decided. He felt abandoned by his religion, but we are all are witness’s to his choice.
I cannot say that for Michael. But if you look at the woman he chose to be around…they were strong and outspoken.
You cannot speak about affairs of the heart regarding others. Only they can answer that.
KEEN:在之前的《BAD》、《Dangerous》和《History》巡演裡,你們會承受像《This Is It》這次這麼大的壓力嗎?
I didn’t have to shoulder the pressure of anything, but creating the make up and hair. I think you are referring to Michael having pressure financially for the tours. Before the first allegations, he had sponsors (Pepsi) to shoulder much of the funding. They all turned their back on him when he was falsely accused.
The 1993 case was settled by his insurance company. Michael had to endure being sued by as many as 1500 legal cases at one time, for all sorts of strange claims, like stealing lyrics or music, women claiming to having his children…all of them must be addressed. Michael wanted to make music, dance, and make his fans smile. He did not want to spend his life in courtrooms.
Yes, of course. How could anyone escape such saturation by the media about his every move?
Yes. People always change. I could feel that. But we didn’t have enough time to spend together and have deep conversations when I returned in 2009. We were too busy working. We thought we would have time. I don't know what exactly happened during the 4 yrs. I cannot really comment on things that I haven't actually experienced, only the things I witnessed, or things that he told me.
Yes Keen, his heart was broken, his soul was broken.
I heard it’s from a little girl he met in Africa.
There are so many things that moved me. Maybe those quiet moments we spent together.
How could he look peaceful, Keen? He had been through 2 autopsies. This is too difficult for me to talk about.
【Flying High · 心印象】
【Flying High · 漫語】
【Flying High · Michael在中國的回憶】